Sculpture and Drawings from Danny R. W. Baskin

Thursday, November 27, 2008

lightbulb skulls

burnt light bulbs painted with skulls and smashed to bits
october 2008

suitcase full of guns

magazine cut outs of guns filling a suitcase
sept-nov 08

Thursday, January 24, 2008

these are soap skulls. carved from irish spring. they smell wonderful.

this is a line of garage sale stickers stacked one upon the other in the reoccurring order of the color wheel. the stack of paper at the end of the shelf is the wax paper the stickers came on. i have forgotten how many stickers i used although i have it written down somewhere. its in the thousands upon thousands range.

this is a tangled ball of cotton string. i have added to it since then and it is now gigantic. it probably weighs 15 to 20 pounds now.

this is my toothpick portrait with over 4000 toothpicks embedded in industrial foam. it was made to be viewed from across the room, although it is quite interesting up close as well.

These are my tea trees #s 5 and 6.
They are made from hundreds of tea bags stuffed onto the trunks of trees.
They smell great and do wonders in the rain.

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